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How Local Storage Helps You Organize

Have you ever looked at the garage after a summer of traveling and fun and realized you may need to get organized? Stored Away Self Storage is your local storage solution in Sneads Ferry NC for moments just like this! After the last summer vacation, kids head back to school, cooler weather sets in, and then the holidays. Now is a great time to prepare for the end of the year and the change in seasons.

Find storage for summer belongings and how to start the school year off with success from your storage experts at Stored Away Self Storage.

Local Storage Sneads Ferry NC

Summer to Fall: Local Storage Tips

  1. Park the RV or spare car with us can free up space in your garage and driveway.
  2. Use shelves to utilize the most space in your storage unit. An open shelf can be your solution to storing canoes and kayaks.
  3. InStyle has helpful tips to keep in mind when changing your clothes.
  4. Change the oil, fill tires to the correct PSI, and remove gas from the tank before moving lawn care equipment to the storage unit.
  5. Add a little grease to the kid’s bikes if they are retiring them during the school year.

First Day Prep For A Great School Year

  1. Never miss a message or after school program again with the help of a command center.
  2. The first day back, get the kids out the door and on the bus on time with a few alarm clocks. Set them for specific times to keep everyone on track.
  3. A bin in the fridge with some easy to grab snacks for lunches can help you make packing fun for kids. Let them choose the food they want!
  4. Instead of a large binder for first day papers, send the kids to school with an accordion-style folder.

Stored Away Self Storage makes moving from season to season a little easier. This school year is going to be great with the help of these tips and our local storage solutions in Sneads Ferry NC. Stop by or rent online anytime!

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Tim Glasow

About the Author: Tim is an SEO Strategist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. He is a self-storage industry specialist who has written about everything from storage advice and helpful resources to industry trends. In his free time, Tim enjoys sampling craft beer and exploring the local music scene.